Dad’s Quotes

“Sicilians can turn weeds into a delicacy!”

Cosimo’s mother, Vincenza, laments in Chapter 2. “So little time to spend with my children… perhaps five were too many.”

“Black clothing dominated the closets of widows and widowers, and black was a constant reminder of death and grief. Maybe people shouldn’t wear black to funerals.” Dad expressing grief at his mother’s gravesite.

“Negotiations for marriage between families often lasted for days. When negotiations bogged down – kidnapping was a simpler solution.” Chapter 3: The Di Salvo’s and Maisano’s negotiate.

“I won’t eat today’s pizza – it’s salad on dough. I prefer salad in a bowl.”

“Sometimes it’s better not to do anything, even though you think something should be done.” Bootlegging in a snowstorm: Dad’s advice when State Police were just yards away and Mom, pregnant with my sister, was in the car with him.

“Your friends will want to know the Sicilian word for ‘codfish’ but all you should tell them is that it has a strong aroma.”

“Baccala is just ‘codfish’ and it means nothing else in a cookbook – remember that.” Dad dodged another attempt to give the answer sought… “But you’re bound to meet some in life.”

“Everything not eaten can result in something better.”

Never use oregano in tomato sauce! Oregano is for pizza or salads!”

“Cheese impedes the flavor of saffron, so if you are at my table and you crave cheese… eat a spoonful but do not put it on my spezzatello!”

“It’s okay to deviate and change a little bit, but make sure the original is always in sight… but food is more than to be eaten and enjoyed – it is also a teacher.”

“Wonderful flavors and fewer dishes to wash. Yes, I wash my own
dishes.” Simplicity begets a boast!

“Any recipe can be changed to fit your tastes, and then it’s yours… as it should be.”

“Like with so many foods, the best part is the last morsel. You can quote me if you wish.”

“Have I ever steered you wrong?” How would you answer my Dad?

“Anytime your hands, instead of a machine, are used to create a dish it is more enjoyable.”

“Do you know the difference between chestnuts and horse chestnuts? Basics are critical in cooking.”

“I’m not much for wine in cookies, I prefer it out of a glass, but I won’t complain.”

“It’s easier to dust off a book than it is to wash a kid’s face, so get started on it.” Dad’s exhortation from the hospital bed.

“Ok, I’ll stop harping on why you should have a garden if you promise to have one this spring.”


A love story of food and family