Readers’ Comments

“How beautiful is your book. I find myself in grandmother Vincenza’s shoes and want to tell her not to go to Milwaukee, but stay with your family in that wonderful village surrounded by love. My heart ached for Cosimo. His young life was not easy. So interesting!— Stephania I, WI

Loved your book. Was crying by page 39… So glad to see you did your father proud. The Italian greeting was used in our home every day, Thank you for letting us remember. ” — Joann T B, WI

“I love the book! And wish you were here to cook for us.”  — Carol S​, FL

“I’m loving it! You write really well, with a dry sense of humor throughout; you make the readers feel as if they knew Vincenza and then feel real sorrow when she dies. After reading about the reason for her death, I felt ‘lost’ for awhile. So very sad, on many levels. ‘Mr. Ben’ sounds like a formidable man, but clearly Vincenza’s ‘Santa Flavia’ influence tempered Cosmo to a great extent.” —  Barbara C,  WI

“I just have to tell that I am so enjoying Sicilian Loves. Thank you for sharing your book and congratulations on this labor of love and family and food.  It’s a joy to ‘hear’ your voice in …”  — Terese A, WI

“Great job Benedict. You surprised me with a style I wasn’t expecting, and it drew me into to wanting more.”  — Roger B, WI

“As I read this wonderful book it brought back so many ​ memories of my own​ family… reading your recipes encouraged me to dig out my mom’s collection… this book will allow others’ memories to be rekindled with time gone past.”    — Jim H, OH

“… it’s wonderful, truly pulls me right into your memories, I can relate! I’m going to be making some of those wonderful recipes in your book in the coming months, can wait!!” — Linda R, WI

“I truly liked your book, I think that I gained 10 pounds just reading it!” — Mike D, WI

“I devoured the book in one reading. Had the book been available years ago, my eyes would have been opened to the difficulties when an ‘outsider’ marries into a Sicilian family. Your descriptions of the culture  gave to me the knowledge of its traditions and perceptions needed  to  help my daughter build a stronger relationship.” —  Pat H, WI

“I will treasure this book for the rest of my life.” — Millie E, Scotland, GB

“Benedict, you did a great job. Your story and the recipes brought back so many good memories. Keep on writing!” — Ralph D, WI“BRAVO  Benedict! You captured emotions, vividly shared our culture and described the Americanization of our parents and grand parents —  how it affected them and the next generation. It stirred memories of being raised in a Sicilian home in the famous Green Bush of Madison. Wonderfully written and entertaining. I will recommend your book to all Sicilian, Italian and Albanian kids, especially first generation (and then the second) who were raised in the Bush or other like-communities across America.” — Ernie T, WI

“A wonderful and terrific book… ‘time and love blended’ really hit home.”  — Cathy B, NY

“History can be fascinating and your book fits right in.  I didn’t know that history was such a big part of the story.” — Pat H, WI

“One of the most beautiful books in the world.”  — Belinda D, CA

“Some parts of the story made me cry…”  — George A, WI

​”It brought so many memories of my grandparents as immigrants and what they experienced. It is beautifully written and warm.”  — Rae R, WI

“… there will be others like me that will look back to relive lost memories. I wish that I asked my parents questions as you did yours.”  — Joe K, FL

“I didn’t realize the Sicilian’s had so many traditions. Well done.”                     — ​ ​Lorie O, WI

“My friend will share her memories… and maybe even a meal.”                       — Sharon I, TN

“It’s a wonderful book!”  — Cheryl F, CA


A love story of food and family